
Like View, this component is a generic container for other components. However, it adds some additional capabilities – support for presses or clicks and hovering.

This component supports only one child. If you require multiple child components, wrap them in a View.


In addition to the common accessibility props, the following props are supported.

// Alternate text to display if the image cannot be loaded
// or by screen readers
accessibilityHidden: boolean = false;

// Hide the component from screen readers?
accessibilityHidden: boolean = false;

// Traits used to hint screen readers, etc.
accessibilityTraits: AccessibilityTrait | AccessibilityTrait[] = undefined;

// Region for accessibility mechanisms
accessibilityLiveRegion?: AccessibilityLiveRegion = undefined; // Android and web only

// Delay in ms before onLongPress is called
delayLongPress: number = 1000;

// If disabled, touch and mouse input events are ignored
disabled: boolean = false;

// Called when the user has pressed and held for a specified duration
onLongPress: (e: SyntheticEvent) => void;

// Called when the mouse cursor enters or leaves the view bounds
onHoverStart: (e: SyntheticEvent) => void;
onHoverEnd: (e: SyntheticEvent) => void;

// Called when the touch or mouse button is released within the bounds of the view and the press has not been canceled
onPress: (e: SyntheticEvent) => void;

// Called when touch is initiated or mouse button is pressed
onPressIn: (e: SyntheticEvent) => void;

// Called when touch or the mouse button is released or the user's finger or mouse cursor is no longer over the view
onPressOut: (e: SyntheticEvent) => void;

// Rasterize contents using offscreen bitmap (perf optimization)
shouldRasterizeIOS: boolean = false; // iOS only

// See below for supported styles
style: ButtonStyleRuleSet | ButtonStyleRuleSet[] = [];

// Keyboard tab order
tabIndex: number = undefined;

// Text for a tooltip
title: string = undefined;

// Visual touchfeedback properties
// Disable default opacity animation on touch of buttons
disableTouchOpacityAnimation?: boolean;  // iOS and Android only

// Opacity value the button should animate to on button touch
activeOpacity?: number; // iOS and Android only

// Background color that will be visible on button touch
underlayColor?: string; // iOS and Android only


Flexbox Styles

View Styles

Transform Styles


// Sets the accessibility focus to the component.
focus(): void;