
Like a View, this component is a container for other components. However, it supports scrolling (panning) and zooming so it is possible to view larger contents.

ScrollViews must have a bounded height (or width, if it scrolls horizontally) since its children are of unbounded height (or width). To bound the dimensions of a ScrollView, either set the height/width directly or make sure that its parent's height/width is bounded.


// Should scroll bar bounce when user hits the bounds?
bounces: boolean = true; // iOS only

// Style applied to the scroll view content container,the view that wraps the children
contentContainerStyle: ViewStyleRuleSet | ViewStyleRuleSet[] = [];

// Does it support scrolling in the horizontal and/or vertical directions?
horizontal: boolean = false;
vertical: boolean = true;

// If the contents are smaller than the view port, should they be justified 
// to the top of the view (i.e. flex-start) or the end (flex-end)?
justifyEnd: boolean = false;

// When the user scrolls the view, how should the on-screen keyboard react?
keyboardDismissMode: 'none' | 'interactive' | 'on-drag'; // Native only

// Should the on-screen keyboard remain visible when the user taps the scroll view?
keyboardShouldPersistTaps: boolean = false; // Native only

// Maximum scale factor
maximumZoomScale: number = 1.0;

// Minimum scale factor
minimumZoomScale: number = 1.0;

// Invoked when the contents of the scroll view change
onContentSizeChange: (width: number, height: number) => void = undefined;

// Invoked when view dimensions or position changes
onLayout: (e: ViewOnLayoutEvent) => void = undefined;

// Called when the scroll position changes
onScroll: (newScrollTop: number, newScrollLeft: number) => void = undefined;

// Called when the user starts or stops scrolling (touch-based systems only)
onScrollBeginDrag: () => void = undefined;
onScrollEndDrag: () => void = undefined;

// Android only property to control overScroll mode
overScrollMode?: 'always' | 'always-if-content-scrolls' | 'never';

// Snap to page boundaries?
pagingEnabled: boolean = false; // iOS only
snapToInterval: number = undefined; // iOS only

// Is scrolling enabled?
scrollEnabled: boolean = true;

// how often (in milliseconds) between scroll events?
scrollEventThrottle: number = undefined;

// If true, this scroll bar scrolls to the top when the user
// taps on the status bar.
scrollsToTop: boolean = false; // iOS only

// Should the indicator be displayed?
showsHorizontalScrollIndicator: boolean = [same as horizontal];
showsVerticalScrollIndicator: boolean = [same as horizontal];

// See below for supported styles
style: ViewStyleRuleSet | ViewStyleRuleSet[] = [];


Flexbox Styles

View Styles

Transform Styles


// Sets the accessibility focus to the component.
focus(): void;

// Sets the absolute top or left position (measured in pixels) of the
// viewport within the scroll view. Optionally animates from the current
// position.
setScrollLeft(scrollLeft: number, animate: boolean): void;
setScrollTop(scrollTop: number, animate: boolean): void;

// Adds a value to the current top or left position (measured in pixels) of the
// viewport within the scroll view. Optionally animates from the current
// position.
addToScrollLeft(deltaLeft: number, animate: boolean): void;
addToScrollTop(deltaTop: number, animate: boolean): void;